I Have A Question About Insurance Coverage. I Am 68 Years Old And Currently Have A Humana Advantage Plan. I Am Not Yet Taking Any Medication
Which plan is better at paying for prescriptions. When I start taking medication I was told it would be about $15,000 dollars a month for the prescription without insurance. Should I stick with the Humana advantage plan or get back on conventional Medicare with a prescription plan. I have to decide before the end of this year.
The only type of insurance I've had since I retired and had most of my cancers, 5 time cancer survivor is the Advantage Plans, Mostly Humana now Blue Cross. You need to check with the hospital you… read more
Hi Everyone. I Was Wondering If Anyone Out There Has Had DLBCL In Axillary Lymph Nodes Under Both Arms ?
Yes, mine was everywhere, from my neck to my groin and had metastasized to the muscle between my right shoulder and clavicle. But after 6 rounds of Pola-R-CHP, there is "no finding suggestive of… read more
Is Ther Anyone That Has A Diagnosis Similiar Or The Same As What I Have?
I am a 59 year old, fairly active lady, that has had Hashimoto Thyrodism for the past 24 years, I was just diagnosed with Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma, and Angioimmunoblastic lymphoma. Also, Lymphoproliferative Lymphoma. Stage 3
I was also just told that I have a weak heart at 42%, which surprised my doctor and myself. So off to the cardiologist for a Echo. There apparently is heart issues on my fathers side.
I have not had any symptoms. Now I am also on b/c still. I know I have been… read more
Thanks Kelly! This is encouraging! I have that positive attitude and ready to beat this!!
Has Anyone Had Car/T Cell Treatment? I Am Scheduled For Stem Cell Harvesting And And Have To Have A Catheter In My Groin Due To Bad Veins.
I had the choice of CarT or a bi-specific for my 3rd treatment. I chose bi-specific and am glad because it worked! It’s called Epkinly.
Is Neuropathy A Symptom Of Lymphoma And What Can Be Done To Treat It?
I am 83 years old and was diagnosed with WM three years ago. I am in watch and wait, and have not begun any treatments. My only symptom is cancer related fatigue.
Thank you, Jeanne.
I have not had chemo or any other treatments.
I Have DLBCL For The Second Time In 3 Years. Is It “normal” To Have Such Fatigue That Walking From The House To The Car Is Overwhelming?
Hi Evelyn - have you reviewed your most recent bloodwork results? If you are not in range within some categories, that may be an indicator of why you are so fatigued. I would definitely contact your… read more
First Time Doing Chemo. Got People Telling Me My Life Will Get Shorter If I Do. Any Thoughts??
I'm 60 Have ,CLL An Nearly Died With COVID In 2022 ....is My Fatigue An Shortness Of Breath Just All Related To CLL
Some people get long term Covid. There are also other things that can cause exhaustion and it could be CLL. Can your doc answer the question?
Does Anyone Have Low White Blood Count When The Red Is High?
I did have a low white blood cell count during my chemo after every treatment they put this “Neulasta” gadget on my lower abdomen, and it gives a injection that boosts your white blood cell count… read more
I Have 6 Weeks Old Smouldering Ileal And Mesenteric MCL ..now Have Recurrent Abd Pain Without Any GI BLEEDING...do I Need Treatment ?