Immune Support For Chemo
I start chemo and Rituximab drug at end of October 2023. I have been recommended to take D3 and probiotics over the course o the 6 month treatment. Anyone have any advice re immune support during treatment. Thanks kindly. Magda
I Developed A Red Rash On Top Of Left Foot.Has Anybody Else Had This Happen?
Has Anyone Been Diagnosed With Having A Paraneoplastic Syndrome?
Im going to see a neurologist because shortly after I was diagnosed with SLL I started having an involuntary back arching issue. They think it’s either a neurological issue or some sort of movement disorder. The neurologist wants to test for a paraneoplastic issue.
Has Anyone Had Radiation For Mesenteric NHL And Be Cured?
Congratulations, we are hoping for the same thing. I’m sure we all get nervous when it’s time for your PET scan. All we can do is pray.
What Is CLL/SLL?
Thanks so much for reaching out. I sure will follow up!
Has Anyone Had Their Treatments Modified Due To Extreme Side Effects?
The neuropathy from the Polatuzimab in my chemo is so bad after 3 treatments that my doctor said we could remove it for the remaining treatments.
Hi DebraW, I live in San Diego county too. I'm sorry to hear about your side effects. I'm also concerned about side effects. You can read "my story" posted today if you want. I'd like to know how you… read more
Has Anyone Felt Like They Miss Their Oncology Visits And/or Infusions?
Has anyone felt like they miss their oncology visits and/or infusions? Sounds weird to me, but I find that I do to some extent. Is it the comfort of knowing they’re there for me? Knowing someone is watching over me? A separation anxiety? Don’t get me wrong, I’m thankful that the treatments have done what they’re supposed to do and I don’t have to worry about it getting worse. But how what do I say to my loved ones? How do I explain it? Do I need to find someone to talk to?
Thank you.
Bone Marrow Aspiration & Biopsy
Any advice, tips, experiences ?
Thank you
SO HAPPY TO HEAR OF YOUR RESULTS! GREAT NEWS INDEED! I think sadly one has to ASK to be “completely out” just like when you undergo a colonoscopy etc. Otherwise you are given “mild sedation”, where… read more
Any Other Newly Diagnosed 90 Year Olds With NHL? Diana Lueckert
Can You Repeat A Treatment That Worked Well But Did Not Completely Finish The Job.