Has Anyone Else Developed MDS After Lymphoma?
weakness, night sweats bone pain and fatigue. it all started in the beginning of october. going for another bone marrow today and then wait again for results as the cancer continues to ravage my… read more
Mortality And Morbidity Of Car T Treatment In Lymphoma
Does Anyone Experience Hot Flushes Since Treatment
I am in remission from HL but for almost 2 years since my treatment ended I have had hot flushes every day, often during exercise but sometimes when I am not doing anything. My health team say they don’t worry about sweating during the day but it is uncomfortable and foes worry me.
I've had hot flushes for 16 years, several times a day. Not on any treatments or meds. Just live with it, and dress in layers.
Itch Skin And Scalp. Any Thoughts?
Hi all,My question has to do with itchy skin and scalp. I'm in remission with follicular lymphoma, and had itch when I was diagnosed and treated, but not since. All of a sudden it's back.. Any remedies? Cindy
Oatmeal bath helped my itching spats. I buy it at the Dollor store.
Did Had My 7th Chemo. One To Go. Stay Nauseous After Every Meal. Is That Normal? Have Chemo Every 3de Week.
Enlarged Lymph Nodes Deep In Abdomen And Massive Splenomegaly. Biopsy In Spite Of Risk?
The thought is that nodes are too deep to biopsy and possibility of spleen rupture to biopsy that. Everyone seems to agree on that it is SLL from CT scan of my abdomen. What’s your thought? Do you think I should get it?
Good for you, James. Take everything to the guys who deal with this every day. Who cares what your PCP says. It's your life.
Swollen Lymph Nodes CLL/SLL
So I was dx with CLL in Jan 2023. Saw my doc again months later, I had swollen lymph nodes in neck and head. Dr said to see him in 3 months and if still swollen he will do other blood work and probably start treatment. It’s been2 months since I’ve seen him and I feel more node down the back of my neck.. I dont see him till Nov, I don’t want to be over reacting.. has anyone experienced this?
Thank you
NKTCell Lymphoma Of The Skin
Has anybody got this type of Lymphoma was told it is a rare Lymphoma. My mum has it but can’t have therapy as her heart isn’t strong enough. She was diagnosed in July and still hasn’t had chemo because she’s had one problem after another which is delaying her chemo. Would love to find someone with the same lymphoma
Anyone Diagnosed With Burkitts Lymphoma?
Is There Anyone Out That Has Had A Stem Cell Transplant?
I was also very scared. it really was ok. had to give myself shots to boost my stem cells. the machine that took stem cells out of me wasn’t bad at all. getting the cells back was like getting a… read more