Plasmablastiod Lymphoma
Within the last week my wife was diagnosed with lymphoma. A biopsy of a node from the neck was taken, but the results came back inconclusive, but mentions Plasmablastiod. Biopsy has been sent to John Hopkins for analysis. Only current symptoms are stomach pain, swollen lymph nodes in neck and abdomen, and constipation. Anyone have an experience with this possible diagnosis?
Hi! So glad you received a diagnosis and your wife is starting her treatments. Make sure you too are getting enough rest as her support person. Kelly
Has Anyone Been On Imbruvica For At Least A Year?
I have been taking Imbruvica for Waldenstroms for a year and my labs have improved but I wonder about side effects since I’ll be on it for the rest of my life (I am 80). I watch my diet and exercise, hoping to get back to feeling “normal” and will be pretty good energy-wise for a couple of weeks and then not feel well for two or three weeks with fatigue, itching, light headedness, low grade late afternoon temps, tired legs and hips, and now I have tinnitus. Compared with what other lymphoma… read more
Thanks Bill. I have the brittle nails and bruising too. So glad to know it’s working for you.
Testicle Lymphoma
Anybody Here On Calquence? Are You Experiencing Side Effects?
When I Was Diagnosed, I Didn't Feel Sick At All And For Quite Awhile After Diagnosis I Felt Perfectly Fine But That Changed !!!
Anyway I have noticed that when you tell the docs it's like they must hear it all the time & they just don't respond! I'm kinda used to it because it's happened with multiple organizations & doctors ! I know I am doing well with all of the blood I have donated for their inspection but I was wondering if anyone else noticed it or is it just in my head???
Unfortunately, you will not feel well. I understand that you will not feel well for months after TX. Just be thankful your alive and let your body get well.
Has Anyone Here Been Thru CAR-T Cell Therapy At Stanford? My 30 Yr Old Son Will Be Starting Soon. I Am Scared To Death. DLBCL
Thank you Kelly. Needed to hear that today.Our first appointment is next Wednesday.
For The Last Three Days I’ve Had Terrible Hot Feelings Rushing From My Feet All The Way To My Head. It’s Like My Whole Body Is On Fire.
I found out they were panic attacks. I haven’t had one since I mentioned it earlier. My oncologist said things look fine after my MRI. I’m going to talk to a therapist next week. Hopefully, it… read more
Bloated And Constipated.
Hi, what can I give my husband, he can't eat anything, he is bloated and it's causing a lot of pain.
I used a tea called Smooth Move. You can find it in most grocery stores and Wal-Mart in the tea bag section.
What Is A Lymphoma Corpse ?
What is a lymphoma corpse and will it be absorbed by the body?
Sorry, I meant absorbed by the body.
Has Anyone Used A Cooling Chemo Cap And Did You Find In Helpful In Minimizing Hair Loss?
I’ve had 3 rounds of 6 and have not lost my hair as the oncologist had informed me. The oncology nurses were fantastic and seemed more in tune with what I should expect. Based on the oncologist’s… read more