Non Hopkins (Malt)
I have been diagnosed with NHL MALT, after all the tests the visit to the general oncologist said look and wait. He wants me to wait 6 months. Is that common for MALT. I am a retired Oncology Nurse so I know medically about NHL.
Also should I seek a specialist in NHL or stick with a general oncologist?
Amy Backus
I would see a specialist oncologist!!! I say from experiance, i had 2 that gave differant opinions, so i decided to go to sloane and got a completly differant answer, stem cell transplant. When i called original oncologist... to ask about a stem cell transplant, i NEVER GOT A CALL BACK!!! ONE THING IVE LEARNED, EDUCATE YOURSELF AND BE ASSERTIVE, DRS. ARE NOT GOD!!!
They say NHL MALT, is a watch and wait lumphoma.. slow growing is why... my oncologist says I can live for years.. hopefully she is right .
I think a specialist in nhl
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