Anyone On Here Have Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma?
I didn't see it listed as one of the "lymphomas". I was diagnosed February 20, 2019. I had chemo and was told in October that I was in remission.
I had stage 5 DLBCL Diffused Large B Cell Lymphoma they said I wouldn't make it, as of January I am 6 years in remission, you can beat this
Everyone experiences different side effects but mine haven’t been too bad so far. I’m getting RCHOP number 5 next week. I still manage to walk around the nearby streets every day but my neuropathy is getting worse . I’ve never had nausea cos I take the medication. 💊 contstipation and diarrhoea can also be managed with 💊. Haven’t felt much like eating cos food just doesn’t taste that good . Have lot about 5 kg but that’s ok . Keep a record of your side effects and let your dr know before your next treatment. Be pro active !
Your the same story as me I had NHL with Diffuse Large B Cell last year, today I am in remission since Oct 2023
Did you get Rchop treatment? I'm getting it now supposed to get 6 cycles every 21 days.
I was diagnosed December 2021. Started chemo in February 2022 and ended chemo in July 2022. Oncologist says I’m in remission now and my next PET scan is in February 2024.
Large B Cell Diffuse Lymphoma
Has Anyone Ever Been Diagnosed With Two Different Types Of Lymphoma?