I Have Mantle T Lymphoma
4 cycle of chemo Pet scan came back clean I'm in remission Still have to do 2 more cycles Then was told treatment every 2 month but not chemo Also was recommend stem cell trans plant Does anyone know if the stem cell trans plant is a must or is there other treatment to stay in remission
Me too and rechop
Stemcell transplant
Spent all most a mouth in the hospital. Because
Of immunity problems.
I have a t cell lymphoma (2020) and had an auto stem cell transplant 2021) although was in remission because my cancer is so aggressive. Starting 10 more cycles of Adcetris every 3 weeks for total of 17 tomorrow. Get 2 different consults from stem cell transplant doctors if you are questioning rationale for transplant vs. Just more chemo.
did the cancer come back? if so how long after remission
I tried my own auto stem cell transplant but didn't work so had to do more chemotherapy
I Noticed That The Two-year Survival Rate Is From A 2014 Study. Does Anyone Know What The Current Two Your Survival Rate Is?
Red Spots On Arms
Has Anyone Experienced Intraorbital Masses Likely From DLBCL? Treatment?