I Read About Folks Talking About "there Anti-bodies
How do you know, if you have enough anti-bodies in your system? Can someone educate me please?? Thankyou.
Hi Joann, It is so frustrating because you hear about all the studies of vaccines and antibodies yet they still say there is no way to do an antibody test and really know how protected you are. Still there is light at the end of the tunnel when the monoclonal antibodies are approved for prevention for the immunocompromised.
I want to know too. Had two vaccines last February. Diagnosed in July with FL can’t get booster on treatment I was told but when I can will I have any antibodies. I feel I’m afraid to be near everyone even a cold could be difficult as I have asthma
The only way I know to tell if you have any Antibodys against any illness like the flu or a disease like Covid is through blood testing.. One thing that I am curious about is how does any of the cancer treatment drugs affect the Covid vaccine effectiveness in creating the protections (antibodies)
which are like your white cells that protect the body? Especially since many of these drugs lower your white cell count.
The antibodies were tested via a blood test for covid antibodies after the vaccine. Unfortunately I don't have any even after all my shots. I guess I'm going to have to give my body more time. I hope this answers your question. Kelly
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