Has Anyone Refused Treatment. Opted For Palliative Care And A Assisted Death?
Where are the stats on how long you live without treatment ? How many people out of a Drs client base decide NOT to do Chemo?
where is info on how many people decide not to treat or give up on treatment. Anyone think treatment is worse the disease ?
Some NHL's are not curable. I want to know how those people deal with their life, Hospice and pain control.
Anyone besides me considering not treating.
I can't be the only one.
Chemo is not that bad. Mind over matter, if I don't mind it doesn't matter. A positive attitude helps a lot. 14 yrs ago my lymphoma was everywhere in my torso, bone marrow and in at least 3 organs. I was 62. Without chemo I would have been dust long ago. I never considered not getting it for a sec., and not now either, I relapsed after 14 yrs. I hope to live a lot longer, and I am strong and healthy--except for that. Live each day the best you can. Life is precious.
Definitely mind over over matter and I matter!! Did chemo infusions and pills, and might have to do it again after my next CT next month. Have been maintaining for last year, but few lymph nodes starting to raise their ugly heads again. As hard as it is sometimes, I'm not ready to give up yet. I have too much to go on for. God will provide the way. Blessings to you and your decision. Positivity is a frame of mind. Try it. Hugs💚
I am told that my nhl is incurable but treatable. I have finished 6 months of chemo BR and now I’m in maintenance for 2 years. So far I have been managing good. We will see what my ct scan in June says as I have been having some swollen lymph nodes again and pain in my spleen. I feel better now than before the chemo. I am still young at heart and have to much to live for . I will not throw the towel in just yet!! I won’t let cancer win!!
I had a Pet scan Wed and I am in remission again, the 2nd time in 14 yrs. Chemo was harder this time than 14 yrs ago when I was only 62, but worth it. Yea!!! :Every day is a blessing!
I was diagnosed with late stage Lymphoma last year, no cure, in 70% of my bone marrow, blood and lymph nodes, essentially every cell in my body. I took the first couple of months to do some soul searching and to decide how to proceed. I'll never get better, I've already outlived my life expectancy and decided to go with chemo. I have a very special granddaughter whom I'm very close with and I decided to try to live to hopefully see her grow. It's hard, cancer is really damn hard, and chemo is brutal but once you I made that decision I had to be all in.
Has Anyone Received IVIG Infusions
I Hate Feeling Like Everything Is An Effort.. Ie Taking A Shower, Doing Housework Etc.
Most People Here Seem To Get R CHOP For Their First Treatment For DLBCL. But I Was Given Pola R CHP First. Anyone Else Get Pola R CHP First?