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Husband 34 NLPHL Stage 4, R-CHOP Treatment Starts This Month

A MyLymphomaTeam Member asked a question 💭
Dyersville, IA

Husband diagnosed with NLPHL stage 4, R-CHOP treatment starts this month… 6 cycles. Had no symptoms but a lump in the armpit. I’m scared that I or our boys could bring a cold home, what should I do?

December 3, 2022
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A MyLymphomaTeam Member

I understand your concerns. I‘m currently undergoing chemo (6x) and my oncologist said my family should be careful not to bring home colds and worse. So my daughter wears a mask at school at all times except breaks and got leave to not participate in sports classes (as germs, aerosols etc spread there more easily). Fortunately, she doesn’t mind wearing masks too much, but I wouldn’t force her to. Also, when one of the family members has symptoms of a cold, they and I wear masks (and sometimes even eat in separate rooms) until their symptoms are gone. In addition, visitors to our home are asked to wear masks (as do I). It is definitely a big nuisance for all involved, but I think it helped me avoiding bad colds for the past 3.5 months of chemo. Good luck to you!

December 3, 2022 (edited)
A MyLymphomaTeam Member

My apologies, just saw this was posted in December.

June 28, 2023
A MyLymphomaTeam Member

I had NLPHL stage 4b and have finished R-CHOP x6 and have made it into remission two months ago. It was fairly rough on me. My fiancé who is 34 has congestive heart failure and we have a 7 year old daughter. My first treatment was in December and within three days after my first treatment I had caught the common cold and it put me in the icu for a couple days. We had to end up sending my daughter to my brothers two hours away for the last semester and only saw her on the weekends if she wasn’t showing signs of any sickness. It was rough but I managed to stay fairly healthy but essentially only went to appointments and stayed inside. If everyone can tolerate masks I would suggest them anytime possible, especially after the first week or two after treatment. If possible quarantine anyone that may be sick if possible as well. Hyper vigilant with hygiene and wiping surfaces with disinfectants.

I wish him and your family the best!

June 28, 2023
A MyLymphomaTeam Member

We haven't seen our little grands since my husband started his treatment. They have been sick on and off since my grandson went back to school. He brings all the germs home to the rest of the family.I cancelled Thanksgiving at our house because my husband just did his chemo and rituxan on Tuesday and Wednesday. We are hoping that everyone will be healthy enough for a visit after New Years. It will be hard keeping the kiddos away from Grandpa ❤️
Wishing you all the best.

December 4, 2022

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