As A Cancer Patient What Is Your New Years Resolution? 😊
To continue to get closer to the Lord. To help others as I can with support, love and understanding. Kelly
Continue to have Faith! Cancer does not define me. Live every day the best I can. Love and support family and friends ❤️
Take a day at a time. Thank the Lord for my coasting…
As every year since diagnosis, I will try to avoid NHL becoming what identifies me. I am much more than that.
As a person living with lymphoma I resolve to continue to cherish and connect with my family and friends; be “present” each hour of each day; heed my medical team’s advice; eat well and exercise moderately; reach out with kindness; and, do what I enjoy as much as I can. 🌺
Wishing all a fine New Year in 2023!
As A Cancer Patient Are You Going To Make Any New Years Resolutions, And If So What Are They?
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