Why Don’t They Just Remove My Lymph Nodes
I am non Hodgkins category. Why don’t they just remove my two lymph nodes that are under my left arm which at this time is the only place cancer is.
If you ultimately do Rituxan alone, it's rarely a super- difficult therapy because it's not "chemo" it's monoclonal antibodies. Or magic, I'm not sure.
Ok - I know that both my hospital and Moffitt oncos at first immediately recommended RCHOP chemo. But like two weeks later, Moffitt called me out of the blue to say they changed their mind about the grade and then just recommended Rituximab. I would love to chat or talk more privately - you can email me @ (Email address can only be seen by the question and answer creators) or call @ (Phone number can only be seen by the question and answer creators).
I actually already did the first doctor I saw wanted to give me chemo right away and then he referred me to the specialist at Moffitt Cancer Center, in Tampa who said radiation only
Excellent question.
Have never asked a Dr about it. I am not sure that they know enough to understand where the Lymphoma may hide or reappear.
What I do know is that removing lymph nodes can result in lymphedema. Gained this knowledge from all the ladies in my breast CA support group that deal with it. They have issues with fluid buildup (typically in the arms or legs) because the lymph nodes are gone or not doing their job to remove it. I hope I have gotten that right.
I am the odd one out here because I did have a major surgery to remove my NHFL overgrown lymph node that 100% obstructed my bile duct right where it connected to the pancreas. They seriously thought it was bile duct CA (and maybe pancreatic cancer) because I guess Lymphoma doesn't typically manifest where mine did. So far, I am on Watch and Wait because the bone marrow biopsy did not show that the lymphoma is there and a CT scan only shows a node or two that appear slightly enlarged (my oncologist said my CT was perfect - not very certain that I agree.) Maybe I can be your test case - as they removed the problem node and a couple of others for biopsy but so far so good. It has been 14 months.
I know from a different oncologist and lots of reading that my type of lymphoma is considered treatable but not curable. Currently they feel it is indolent but is on the cusp where it could convert to more aggressive. Was offered RCHOP and Rituximab (Immunotherapy) by different Drs at different times. I have so far declined both - at the beginning because of major GI issues. Later because I made it this far with good reports that my latest onco says just continue on the current course of no treatment. It may be years and years before a recurrence or much sooner - they simply don't seem to be able to predict.
The feeling I get from reading and doctors is let’s treat it fast before it spreads to other lymph nodes and it’s not curable just like all cancers but treatable BUT you never know if and when it can become aggressive
Has Anyone Been Put On The Wait And See Program Without Being Given An Official Diagnosis?
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