IVIG Infusion
Anyone taking IVIG infusions and if so how long and do they help? Thank you - Pam
I do and have been for around 5 years now. They help. I've had no side effects and it is one of the things that keeps me in remission. My infusion takes about two hours. Hint: Invest in a radio with ear buds and take a book. 😊
Yes I am doing IVIG infusions once a month it was a side effect from doing rituxan and bendamustine the Dr believes probably from the Rituxin
It doesn’t happen to everyone but some of us after taking Rituxan the immuglobin counts drop so we have to take octagam to help build up the immune system. Its a intravenous immuglobin immunotherapy.
I received 11 rounds' Intravenous immune globulin, 1 GM per kilo body weight. No apparent side effects, but intermediate, partial relief of paresis. For Chronic Guillain Barre, (CIDP), not lymphoma. Years later I tested positive for Hepatitis C. Only God knows how I got it, but I wonder about the ig rounds. Perhaps Keytruda would also help boost immune Sys?
That's upsetting about the Hep. C diagnosis. I've heard this before. Makes me question - take the chance or have low IG levels and possibly catch who knows what! Right now COVID is on the rise again - even though the news isn't saying such.
Question About IVIG
What Level Of IgG (immune Globulin) In The Blood Warrants Ig Replacement Therapy?
IVIG Infusions. What’s Been Your Experience With Them?