Does Anyone Know How Long It Takes To Get Result Of An Excisional Biopsy Of Lymph Node In Neck?
Took 14 days for mine. They did first preliminary and then sent it to another lab for extensive but didn’t tell me.
Hi Donna! No results have come in, yet! It’s been a week and 2 days! I just want them to come back with a correct diagnosis so I can start the best treatment for me. I’m just stunned that not even a preliminary report has been posted on portal.
I am patiently waiting by praying, keeping busy, and not thinking about it.
Thank you so much for your prayers.
Praying your husband’s scans and bone marrow biopsy come out fine. Men are usually more scared than us women. Hugs to you and your husband. 🤗
Added you to my team.
I’m so sorry you can’t get your results. My husband is watch and wait for now. He will have more scans, blood work and possibly a bone marrow biopsy in July. I hope you get answers soon. I pray daily for all in this group.
Hi Donna!
Thank God your husband’s pathology report came back in two days.
Mine was an excisional biopsy of lymph node in neck. I have Nodal Marginal Zone Lymphoma, which is low grade and was on watch and wait. On May 1st, PET SCAN came back with new nodes in different areas and previous nodes had grown a little so, lymphoma was getting worse. The biopsy was to find out if this cancer has transitioned to a more aggressive type of lymphoma or is it still low grade to be able to know which treatment is best for me.
I have an appointment with surgeon tomorrow for removal of stitches and get results. My PCP is looking at portal on his side, but nothing has come in, yet. He doesn’t understand it, either.
I need to be patient and hang in there. God is in control!
Thank you for your response. Is your husband under treatment? Praying he is feeling well.
Hugs to both of you!🤗
Dear Shivani,
So sorry to hear of the passing of your brother and that results came in after he was gone. May he Rest in Peace.🙏
It has been a week already since my excisional biopsy and no results, yet.
Tomorrow, I have an appointment with surgeon to remove stitches and supposedly, get results. I wonder if longer it takes means worse news.
But, God is in control and I have faith and trust so we’ll see.
Thank you for answering to this question. Lots of hugs to you and your family. 🤗
Has Anyone Been Put On The Wait And See Program Without Being Given An Official Diagnosis?
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