Has Anyone Gone Through A Stem Cell Transplant? If So, How Long Was The Process From Start To Finish?
I had my autologous stem cell transplant last July. It took me awhile to feel better, as I had upper and lower digestive problems for about 5 months afterwards. Now I can say I’m close to being back to my normal self. I go back this July for my 3rd PET scan after the transplant, my other two showed I was in remission🤗🤗
The social worker at the hospital made us one, but I tweaked it a bit for my family and close who were back home so they could keep up with what was going on. It was difficult for the siblings and grandparents to be separated. So it may seem a bit personal but you can get the gist of how it goes. Another SCT mom shared hers with me and it was so helpful to see what the daily treatment was going to be like. I hope this helps. It'll only let me upload one pic at a time, so I'll post the second pic in another post.
Please do! Thank you so much for taking the time to do this response!
If you have an autologous-you are your own donor-you have to start conditioning chemo prior to your transplant. You will be counting down to day zero. With my son, we went to Vanderbilt on day minus 16 (so 16 days prior to his actual stem cell transplant). He began 5 days of Xarxio injections twice a day to build stem cells. Then on Day -11, there was Apheresis-the day when they collect the stem cells. It took two long days hooked up to a machine to retrieve the stem cells. But it wasn't stressful or bad at all. Just boring. Then he had a day or two off. Day minus 7, he started the conditioning chemo-BEAM. The Chemo took a couple of hours every day for about 7 days. On day ZERO, they gave him back his healthy stem cells. It looked like about 14 bags of blood. From day ZERO, he had to go to the clinic every day for 30 days until all labs were within normal range. He had two inpatient stays around day 7 and day 10 until engraftment happened. All in all, we were gone from home for 46 days. The social workers will help with housing. The clinic nurses and providers will guide you every step of the way. The worst parts for my son were the last 3-4 days of the BEAM chemo and days 7-10 after the SCT when his labs were the lowest. He is 2.5 years post stem cell transplant and doing great. I'd be happy to send our schedules and calendars. It was helpful for me when another mom shared it with me.
Had Anyone Here Have A Stem Cell Transplant? If So What Was The Process And How Long Was The Hospital Stay?
Has Anyone Out There Had A Stem Cell Transplant And If So How Did You Fair? How Long In The Hospital? Cured You?
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