Does Anyone Have Experience With Getting Travel Health Insurance With Lymphoma?
You would have to ask them that question. My husband was diagnosed while we had the insurance. If we continue the policy every year without a lapse of coverage, we won’t ever have a problem getting reimbursed if we have to cancel a trip.
Thanks for the quick response Would it exclude lymphoma as a preexisting condition since it has been diagnosed ?
We have Allianz Travel Insurance. We’ had it last year before the diagnosis of my husband’s NHL. They told us if we don’t have a lapse of coverage, there will be no preexisting condition to apply. We were leaving on a cruise just as he was being diagnosed and they paid us 100% of our fares . I would highly recommend them. But, make sure you disclose any medical conditions before signing up with them.
How Do You Handle Loosing Faith In Your Treating Oncologist/assistant?
I Noticed That The Two-year Survival Rate Is From A 2014 Study. Does Anyone Know What The Current Two Your Survival Rate Is?
I Wish To Usk.limphoma Is Like Other Cancers.cos I Talk With A Nurse And She Told Me Limphoma Is Not Like Other Cancers.