Plasmablastiod Lymphoma
Within the last week my wife was diagnosed with lymphoma. A biopsy of a node from the neck was taken, but the results came back inconclusive, but mentions Plasmablastiod. Biopsy has been sent to John Hopkins for analysis. Only current symptoms are stomach pain, swollen lymph nodes in neck and abdomen, and constipation. Anyone have an experience with this possible diagnosis?
I don't know how you would get undetermined/inconclusive, however if it was a needle biopsy I was told the same thing. They ended up surgically removing the lymph-node and it turned out positive for NHL. I suspect needle biopsies are none too reliable.
Hi and welcome to the site. Everyone on here is so kind, supportive and helpful. I have/had DLBCL and had treatments of RCHOP chemo. I've been in remission for about 2 yrs. I hope you and your wife get a diagnosis soon. Waiting is awful. I hope your wife feels better also. I hope you both have a peaceful day. Kelly
Hi! So glad you received a diagnosis and your wife is starting her treatments. Make sure you too are getting enough rest as her support person. Kelly
Sorry for not updating sooner, it’s been hectic. So it’s confirmed as Plasmablastoid lymphoma, which is rare and aggressive. After we got all the insurance confusion done the first treatment of DA-EPOCH was completed today. The regiment is 5 days of slow drip chemo with a shot of biozombit(sp). Prognosis is positive, so one day at a time. Thank you to everyone who responded.
I agree with your suspicions. I had a lymph node biopsy when I was being diagnosed and they took several pieces from my abdomen/through my back area guided by CT scan. I'm glad she now has a diagnosis so now you can continue with the treatment and healing. Kelly
Newly Diagnosed With Plasmablastic Lymphoma Stage 2. No Bone Marrow Involved. I Read Prognosis Is Not Good- Anyone Else Have This Type?
Red Spots On Arms
Does Anyone Know If You Can Have Lymphoma In The Breast? Angela