Why Would An Employer Tell An Employee “ Even If The Chemotherapy Works You Won’t Have A Job To Return To.” This Was Me 27 Months Ago.
I’m set to have my final maintenance infusion July 19 and I had hoped to return to my old job but now I need to job hunt. Where’s the Justice for 6.5 years with no discipline write ups? Why aren’t I being treated like the contract workers there?
Sounds like a toxic place to work. Wouldn’t want to be employed there. I’d consider legal counsel.
You should take counsel advice. Not knowing your profession i can't comment, but can't imagine anything they consider not employable after treatment
Check in with the work force department please of your State. If u have a private employer they still have to fallow the law. Check with a Attorney about it too, they are good eating some bad Employers for breakfast. 😂
i do believe thats against the law-
Get in contact with your State Work Force Department.
Your job is protected by law, they can't fire u or not give u your job back. Get yourself an Attorney and stuff it down your Employers Ass. U have the right to do so. Please file a Complaint about your Employer. It's your Right. Do not walk away from it.
Any Advice On How To Tell Close Friends & Family?
Fired Or Let Go
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