Is There Any Relief For The Constant Fatigue? I Am Open To Try About Anything.
I’m starting to notice that to be the case that the more you stay active the less severe your fatigue will be. I guess it’s easier said than done because it’s so hard when all you want to do is to close your eyes and keep them like that until this nightmare is over with,
I still have terrible fatigue too. Please let me know what y`all take or do for it? Thanks
It's going to take some time, after treatment it takes about to weeks to start feeling a little better.i try to stay as active as possible.
Try walking around the block outside, it really works.
It may be very difficult to do, but the best thing that you can do is to keep on moving. You have to stay active and push yourself, I know it’s not easy but you have to do it so you can feel better.
Retuximab Injection Every 8 Weeks. Is It Causing Fatigue? How Long Does It Stay ‘active’?
How Do You Deal With The Fatigue. I Am Doing Good. Treatment Done For A Year But I Get So Fatigued Mentally And Physically. I Am Working.
Just Went To Oncologist