Anyone Have Experience With DCLBL Being A Transplant Patient?
Update on our end - they've diagnosed my husband with PTLD again (first one was in 2105), stage 3a, and we started Rituximab plus chemo with the plan to do a bone marrow transplant. He just finished his first cycle. He got Covid for the first time and was hospitalized which delayed start of treatment but glad he's well enough to start. They took him off tacrolimus to help his tcells and are watching his liver closely for rejection
Ok this is good news!
Hi there ! So some updates on my end, they’ve staged me as 1E. They’ve reduced my immunosuppressants and scheduled now for OP chemo next week with RCHOP
Congrats on being 20 years post transplant! That’s amazing. Sorry you’re facing this new challenge but am wishing you the best. Our transplant team was very positive and matter of fact about it so I hope you can feel reassured by that w your team too. And if you’re in patient they will certainly be on top of any potential complications. One thing I will say about researching on line is there have been a lot of advances in just the past 5 years so try not to be discouraged if you read pre rituximab era data. It really is a new landscape now. Keep me posted and I will share my husbands next steps too. (He’s a living donor liver transplant patient)
Also, to add, the team I believe is considering inpatient chemo. Same cycle, 6 treatments etc. dosing TBD
I Noticed That The Two-year Survival Rate Is From A 2014 Study. Does Anyone Know What The Current Two Your Survival Rate Is?
Has Anyone Out There Had A Stem Cell Transplant And If So How Did You Fair? How Long In The Hospital? Cured You?
Anyone, I Often Think What If I Was To Find A Person With The Same Blood And Healthy, Would A Transfusion Help???