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What's One Natural Remedy That's Helped In Managing Your Lymphoma?

A MyLymphomaTeam Member asked a question 💭
San Francisco, CA
August 23, 2023
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A MyLymphomaTeam Member

Marijuana, it helped my husband immensely through cancer. He had a special oil made by a marijuana doctor that was specially formulated with cbd and cbg that have properties that fight cancer. He also made it through 12 chemo treatments with no pain medicine or anything pharmaceutical to help with nausea etc, marijuana served those purposes for him.

August 23, 2023
A MyLymphomaTeam Member

I wanted to do tai chi for exercise but couldn’t find a class -I signed up three different places and each time they were cancelled when I showed up. So - I joined my local YMCA and signed up for the next best thing, a beginner exercise class designed for people with serious challenges. It is partly seated and partly using the chair to stabilize and the instructor is aligned with listening to your body. It is free with Medicare’s. silver sneakers program. It is partly paid for by a “medical membership” which opens up options for special classes. Note this seems to be a national program so other YMCAs may have similar programs based on a program design from the Natl. Org they belong to. They also have a LIVE STRONG program for cancer survivors that includes exercise, mind-body work, and maybe art based and talk based support group activities. It runs 12 weeks and I am sure this is a nationally-based grant funded, free program.
My suggestion is if you want exercise or supportive people then poke around and find out what is out there - I was amazed when I found the above plus an art based series of classes with mindfulness and a bit of writing. This was at our local museum and was also free due to grant funding.
A big part of my agenda was to get out of the house and meet people. PS the people at the Y are wonderful, kind, and express support.
Long winded here but it is a very important question. Peace and love. Va.5

August 24, 2023
A MyLymphomaTeam Member

I was a pretty healthy eater but I went to a holistic diet which includes fish, seafood, chicken, nuts, grains, fruits and vegetables. I stay away from processed foods whenever possible. I don’t eat fast food either. More studies are showing a connection between our gut health and the rest of our body.

September 11, 2023
A MyLymphomaTeam Member

gummies for the pain...

September 1, 2023
A MyLymphomaTeam Member

I really don't do anything out of the ordinary. I just eat a ton of fruit. My doctor hasn't prescribed anything for the cancer since my last chemo treatment in April of 2021. I get nothing but positive results when i see him every 4 months.

August 27, 2023

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