Did Anyone Have Fluid Removed From Chest Cavity?
I had 2 liters removed last week but I’m still having problems breathing, walking or anything.
This is not how I wanted to spend the rest of my life, no quality 😩
Interesting, I had it twice before but the chemo pills I was on caused it. Then he put me on infusions and it went away but came back when he put me on chemo pills again. Monday will be 2nd infusion and I hope it goes away again. Thank you guys, appreciate it. God bless
Hi Anna 2 . I had fluid removed from my abdomen area . 2 liters and it was only once. After a treatment of CHOP -R it went away and never came back.
Anna I just got diagnosed and mostly I'm just tired right now. But I'm a nurse and I was wondering if your Dr has considered a Plurex drain . It's a small tube that remains in your chest and continually drains the fluid or sometimes you just drain the fluid a few times a day. With the fluid being drained off the shortness of. Breath improves. Maybe that would help
Ok I will try and make this kind and short and sweet. I got on here because I thought it was a support group? Dorus you are the rudest person. You know nothing about me or what I’m going through. First off cancer can be forever, my brother went into hospital and never came out. I am basically a very very strong person but here lately it’s getting harder, I start to think it’s going to get better and then I get another blow of bad luck and set back 50 paces. So before you start throwing stones get the facts and oh btw I work out every day for about 2 hours and weather permitting I get out and walk. Thanks everyone that had my back ❤️
I Noticed That The Two-year Survival Rate Is From A 2014 Study. Does Anyone Know What The Current Two Your Survival Rate Is?
What Tests Or Scan Do You Have For The Routine Check Up Appointments?
Shortness Of Breath/increased Heart Rate