Do Any Of You Suffer With Extreme Fatigue And If So, How Do You Cope?
Hi Susan! I've learned, that for me, there is a new normal. I do what I can but take it a day at a time. If I'm really fatigued I go easy on myself. I even take afterorenoon naps because I can't make it through the day without one. And I give myself permission to take it slow. Some days are better than others and I am always thankful for those good days (even if they aren't the same as they used to be). I've learned to celebrate even the small things. Please reach out to your doctor for further help and suggestions. Thinking of you....
I have learned to take naps when I am feeling abnormal fatigue.It isn't a cure but it takes the edge off of fatigue.
Hi, you appear to be the kind of person that is use to doing it all.
Please lighten your load by asking for help . Many family and friends will help you.
You can look in your community for help with your hubby.
The hardest lesson can be to ask and receive help.
Here in Florida I have a medical marijuana card. Their suggestion has helped!
Generally the fatigue is so overwhelming that I have no choice. The problem is, I have always been one of those people that when their feet hit the floor in the morning, they are off and running almost until they drop.
This is probably my body’s way of paying me back for pushing it so hard 🤷♀️
How Do You Deal With The Fatigue. I Am Doing Good. Treatment Done For A Year But I Get So Fatigued Mentally And Physically. I Am Working.
How Do You Deal With Fatigue?
Lymphoma And Energy