Anyone Have Any Suggestions To Help Reduce Swollen Glands In My Neck?
I am on "Watch and Wait." I am stage 3, grade 2 FL. No other symptoms, but my neck glands on one side are uncomfortable. Not complaining, just wondering how others have dealt with this naturally...massage? Any natural supplements? thanks!
I'm hearing a lot about castor oil . You rub it on the swollen gland and they make a packyou can wear on your abdomen to help detoxify your liver which helps. There's a website Queen of thrones where they seek the supplies. I ordered some . I'll. Post again if it seems to help
I would ask your Dr before getting a massage. I hope you have a better day tomorrow.
Haven’t had that problem, you should speak to your lymphoma specialist. Good luck with living with lymphoma.
I Noticed That The Two-year Survival Rate Is From A 2014 Study. Does Anyone Know What The Current Two Your Survival Rate Is?
Has Anyone Been Put On The Wait And See Program Without Being Given An Official Diagnosis?
My 6 Month Scans And Bloodwork Is Tomorrow. I Was Diagnosed 2 Years Ago With SLL. I Get So Anxious For Weeks Before The Appointment. Worried