Follicular Lymphoma Stage 1
My husband had a lump in the groin and was diagnosed with FL stage 1 and the oncologist suggested to wait and watch. In the last scan lump’s sizes are much smaller and it seems he got in spontaneous remission. But there is a concerning uptake in one of the tonsils. We are very worried and we have to wait next week for the appointment with the oncologist. Could it be lymphoma but in another site? Has it happened to anyone else? Thank you very much.
I don't know for sure, but the disease is in the blood, so I would expect that it could appear anywhere at any time. I'd love to know what your doctor said.
But can it disappear spontaneously from one site and appear in a different one?
The waiting is the worst. I also have FL. It can appear in different sites, and it can wax and wane. Very frustrating. But trust your doctors. This is a manageable disease.
Hi and welcome to the site. Everyone on here is so kind, supportive and helpful. I have/had DLBCL and had treatments of RCHOP chemo. I hope your upcoming appointment goes well for your husband. Kelly
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