Starting Treatment Again
My wbc has been 55.2 & 53.8. I had Hodgkins Lymphoma & CLL in 2018 stage 4. My CLL is active again. My Cancer Dr says let's give it 3 more months & reck wbc again and then discuss treatments. Is this normal to do?
Makes me agitated & nervous and worried.
🤥 sounds awful to have to wait 3 months before rechecking the wbc and RBC. My Dr does full panel labs every other week and then adjusts the other medication as needed for the kidneys and general smaller issues. Can you advocate for yourself and say you don’t want to wait. Get the Dr to send you to the lab for a full panel blood work up, including the metabolic levels and minerals. I’m always high on the creatinine for some reason. My PCD prescribed vitiman E capsules and vitamin B 12 each day and it improved a lot in just a month .
My Husband Has HAD HIS FIRST RCHOP And Has Had Almost No Negative Side Effects. Can We Expect That To Continue With The Next 5 Treatments?
Have MCL, & Am Presently On Daily Calquence & Retuxim Every 8 Weeks. Dr Thinking Of Adding Venetoclax To My Treatment. Anyone Else Take Both
Maintenance Program With [[treatment:Rituxan Hycela:5c648bd265df61506ecba9a7]]