Ls Having GVHD Necessarily 1to1 Inverse To Relapse Risk?
ls having GVHD directly inversely related to relapse risk
I have an aggressive non Hodgkins t cell lymphoma and trying to understand whether should be pushing for post transplant cytoxan (cyclophosphamide) at the expense of possibly relapse risk (although the data doesn't seem to support this). I am also getting myleoablative (high intensity conditioning) which there apparently is less research on when combined with cytoxan (PtCy).
Wondering if anyone knows how drugs such as cytoxan… read more
Recurrent Relapse ... Just Me?
If I Relapsed Will The Diagnosis Stay The Same As My First Time With Cancer
Has Anyone Finished Their Initial Treatment, But The Cancer Didn’t Completely Resolve. And Started In A Therapeutic Treatment With Ritixmab.