My Son Had Burketts Limphoma Like Dlbcl And Nobody In My Family Had If Infection He Dont Have So Why Had This Cancer?
We don't used round can happens.i think it's bad luck
Same here, my sister is 86, never had cancer. I’ve had three different types. I’ve no idea why.
Yes nobody in my family had limphoma
Although having an infection like Epstein Barr, or a family member that has the same lymphoma can increase the odds of your child contracting Burkett's; they're not the only ways that cause the body to have mutations that lead to it. The truth is they don't know why or what causes some people to have genetic cell mutations and yet others don't. There are hereditary, age, environmental & viral factors, but there are other things that aren't as well known that cause issues too. There's been a lot of cancers in my family, lung, stomach, breast,cervical, esophageal, etc. but no one has had Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma or any other type of lymphoma, except me. Go figure...You may never know why your son ended up with Burkett's. Prayers for it to be treatable...
Nobody in my family has cancer of any type,so far. I don't use Roundup but I have been in areas where is used, like apartments,schools,and my last neighbor.I mostly relate this to a mixed factors and the first one is the famous virus and vaccines.
Has Anyone Ever Been Diagnosed With Two Different Types Of Lymphoma?
74 Year Old Male. Diagnosed NHL Non Aggressive Mode. Not Many Frequent Symptoms.
Anyone On Here Have Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma?