What Aspects Of Lymphoma Are You Grateful For And Worried About Lately?
I am grateful that I am on watch and wait and haven't needed treatment yet.
I am not grateful for any aspect of my NHL. I hate everything about it ! look up the definition of grateful.
I deal with it and am GRATEFUL for the help and suport of family and friends and for my faith in God But I would have that without NHL
I'm grateful for the ongoing research and discovery of new treatments.
I'm grateful for the cancer treatments for non Hodgkin's limphoma stage 4 and Hodkins limphoma stage 4 Thay have given me 27 years of being cancer free I also before that took clinical trials for cancer treatments of the future of oncology I've been very lucky and got really good doctors at o.h.a.of spfd.mo i'did have problems with treatments medical problems I had my first Hart attack during clinical trials
And sizures but but I was in bad shape before cancer and still had both so it must have made it difficult for my cancer doctor treatments itthat was constantly changing my treatments to help me through cancer treatments
But in the end I was cancer Free with no return yet after 27 years but did whant to be ahead of it when and if it returned so I've seen my cancer doctor every year since always in March the month I was first diagnosed with cancer this year my cancer doctor was retired
From oncology department
And I got a new one he soon came by and said you don't have cancer you don't need to return any more I turned 65 this year in November 2
The words he said to me was great but somehow my feelings were different it was like losing a old friend that you depended on to give me peace of mind and Thay were like my family to me
But their are still more people out there who are facing the same thing I did for the first time and are just as scared as I was when I Got the word that I had six months to live and what type of cancer it was and stage it was at that time I knew nothing about cancer but what was told to me . But I did understand that it was serious enough not to want it three years ago my wife got sick our son took her to the hospital because I couldn't drive because of my sizures and Hart problems from cancer treatments and clinical trials until they got a opening for me for my real treatments ....she had cancer of her liver and both lungs
It was to far gone
For treatments or anything our son put a hospital bed in the room hospice mad Shure she wasn't in pain for that time left and two weeks out she passed away I'.live by my self in a little effeshancy apparent jut three minutes away from our son' and family thay take.me to my appointments now. and see that I don't need anything
And Thay take me shopping and to doctors appointment's
And everywhere else . His family cares for me.
I had taste changes with RCHOP. Took me about 4 months in to be able to enjoy a cup of coffee and everything tasted like mush. I was just eating what I could enjoy. Everything tasted salty. I’d load a baked potato, make chicken noodle soup, and as a chocolate lover….salty! With time things will get better. Just brought food in the house that I’d get the taste for.
Red Spots On Arms
Hi, I’m New Here. Most Immediate Question Is What Can I Do In Preparation For My Prognosis? Would Love Some Dietary/lifestyle Tips!
Reoccurring Splenic Marginal Zone Lymphoma?