Once Dx With Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma But Am In Remission For 2 Years.
Do I still say am affected by lymphoma having effects should as fatigued and needing an inhaler for exercise? I realize you are never cured but do you say “I have lymphoma “
YES because it's never cured, testing never ends & in my case itching/fatigue with some psychological-physiological stuff still going on !!!!!
The choice is up to you. It's always gonna be in the back if our minds.
Going through treatment was no picnic but it's time to move forward and live your life.
Do what makes you feel good not for other people.
I finished my treatment in February I'm working again and just enjoying life. Am I tired you bet I am but I'm on God's time not mine so I'm just gonna live. I may not have answered your question but hopefully it helps.
Have a fantastic day
Not for replying to others but to myself … guess what I’m asking is do you still have lymphoma effects even in remission?
I agree with Joemapiz. There's no shame in having cancer and therefore no reason to use it as a reason for your being. I was 1st diagnosed with NHL in March of 2020 and then diagnosed with AITL in October 2021. Last year September I had a stem cell transplant and from my first treatment until today I still suffer side effects, including fatigue amongst other things. I am just careful not to use my condition as an excuse, but rather a reason.
Good luck on your journey CorinnePrecourt.
I am through remission and my Dr. Reminds me I must eat healthy..and no alcohol or very little .. it's always in back of my mind.. what's next
Has Anyone Ever Been Diagnosed With Two Different Types Of Lymphoma?
Maintenance Program With [[treatment:Rituxan Hycela:5c648bd265df61506ecba9a7]]
My Spouse Was Diagnosed With Stage IV Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma In July 2019.