Has Anyone Else Noticed Psychological Changes Associated With Mantle Cell Lymphoma?
My husband began having symptoms about 3 to 5 years ago, and I thought it was the start of some dementia. In May he was diagnosed with mantle cell lymphoma, but when chemo beat it back and his PET scan was clear, I suddenly had my husband back to his more normal self. We've had 2 wonderful months.
Lymphoma came back with a vengeance in the last few weeks so we don't know yet what the next step will be. I just have not read anywhere of a link with emotional status and lymphoma so just have wondered if anyone else had noticed anything.
Thanks for your input
Hi DLBCL. I am experiencing mood swings but i believe its one of the side effects of chemo.
Does Anyone Know If You Can Have Lymphoma In The Breast? Angela
Red Spots On Arms
How Does One Deal With The "wait And Watch" Senario, And How Often Do You Get Scans?