What Does It Mean When It Hurts To Swallow?
Dear Susan this could mean so many things. May I suggest you call the oncologist first and see if they want to see you/your husband asap or get a gastroenterologist involved or your PCP first. Someone should physically examine the throat and take a peek, soon. Big hugs and prayers.
Thanks Christine!
I had mouth/throat sores when going thru chemo. Dr ordered special mouth rinse/gargle.. but I used a mouth numbing spray a lot also because I needed to drink fluids.
I have had mouth sores too. I was told to rinse with baking soda & salt water mixture after chemo or they could RX a rinse, probably what you were ordered. Maybe tell doctor it's not doing the trick? I got a white blood count booster and it caused a bad reaction. I made them switch to a different one.
Best of luck!
Thanks chuck3 - Please let me know the outcome and God Bless you!
PET Scan Vocabulary
What Does It Mean If Your Stomach Is Bloated Or Appears Bigger?
Lymphoma And The Lungs