I Take Oral Chemotherapy (now On Brukinsa After 1.5 Years On Calequence. My Question: Is It Safe To Have Sex?
I’m three years into this CLL roller coaster, and have not had a potential partner for several years. I recently have been seeing a new man and we’ve got some chemistry there. The literature and directions I’ve gotten from my pharmacist and Dr are pretty clear on not sharing a bathroom, towels, bedding (or even mixing these in the wash together) and the double flush, lid down. So now I may be ready for some “adult activity”I want to find out how others protect their partners during sex, as well… read more
I also found that the oncology nurses are a wealth of information too! Kelly
First off, that's wonderful you've found that special someone!!! Secondly, I'd call and ask the oncologist or his nurse what they recommend. Good luck and I hope all turns out well for you!!! Kelly
Kelly, I have written about this to my oncologist but she hasn’t responded yet. I also made a phone appointment with the specialist pharmacist for Monday morning. Sometimes the pharmacists know more about the medication effects than do the Drs. I figure getting two specialists to answer and see how they overlap and where they may be different.
I also take Brukinsa. I was not told of the precautions that you were. Flush with the lid down, wash hands after handling, be careful with bodily fluids and use condoms.
I Wish To Usk.limphoma Is Like Other Cancers.cos I Talk With A Nurse And She Told Me Limphoma Is Not Like Other Cancers.
Anybody Here On Calquence? Are You Experiencing Side Effects?
I Was Diagnosed With Follicular Lymphoma In July Of 2023. In One Of Three Polyps NHFL Was Diagnosed And My Doctor Says It’s Colon Cancer.