Mouth Sores And Swollen Lymph In Jaw
I received my first round of chemo 2 weeks ago, I have now developed mouth sores and swollen lymph nodes all along the bottom of my jaw. Did anyone else experience these symptoms? I’ve been using orajel mouth wash but it’s been rough.
I’ve heard it can happen with a lot of different types of chemotherapy. I hope you feel better soon.
James985 Semper Fi
Thanks John I’ll ask. By the way I served in the Marines as well. Semper Fi
I had a similar issue with my 1st cancer actually it put me in the hospital for 5 days. But what really helped was Magic Mouth Wash there is a formula on the internet if you get it as a prescription it costs like 80.00 but you can make it yourself for 30 dollar range and continually rinse. Best of luck
My oncologist prescribed me a medication called Valacyclovir I was lucky I never had cold sores this medication does, however, cause severe dry mouth, but it works.
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