What's On Your Holiday Wish List That Could Improve Your Life With Lymphoma?
Stay in remission PLEASE !!!
A stronger immune system and more energy.
To never have cancer again I'm grateful that I've beaten it 3 times but I'd love to nit think about it everyday and not worry about the next blood work our scan.
Peace of mind
Weather permitting, my Christmas wish is coming true. My family will be together, first the first time in 3 years and I am thrilled! That cheers me up, lots of love, good food, togetherness, games and lots of laughter. I know I will pay for it for several days but when all is quiet again I can rest and have sweet memories!
Merry Christmas to all of you! Hope you have a good and special day! Share the love!
Update Dec 22: My youngest called yesterday, she has covid!! So much for a family Christmas this year. So disappointed, so very disappointed. We both cried!
I Suspect The Cov'd Vaccine Triggered Lymphoma
Can I Take Green Tea With Milk To Improve My Hodgkin Lymphoma Condition, What's Your Advise Please?
Red Spots On Arms