I Finished My First Round Of Retuxin A Week Ago. I Just Broke Out In A Red Pimpley Rash On My Chest. It Is EXTREMELY Itchy. Thoughts?
I have Non-Hodgkin's B cell lymphoma. The rash I have is exactly where my cancer is. Thoughts?
I don’t know or have any suggestions, except maybe Sarna Cream may help the itch. It has menthol in it and is very soothing. I think you can get it unscented but I liked the menthol and how it felt
I had a rash on my arm but it was from Eliquis which is a blood thinner.
In my discharge instructions for rituxan I was told to call my health care team if I had an unexplained rash. It appears you did. I had the same reaction when i had my first rituxan infusion. The itching was resolved the same as your itching was. Best wishes as you continue on !
Thanks. Nurse gave me a steroid and Hydro-cortisone and Benadryl.
I’m not itching so much any more.
I was just wondering what it is?
I used Aquaphor itch relief ointment max strength, it really helped. Its concentrated so you don’t need alot.
I used this for my radiation burn during my BC treatment.
And also during my chemo for LDBCL.
Just Started Treatment For NHL. Rituxan. Anyone Else, If So Any Side Effects I Should Watch For?
Anyone Have Experience With Rituximab Treatments
Maintenance Program With [[treatment:Rituxan Hycela:5c648bd265df61506ecba9a7]]