I Have A PET Scan Scheduled For 1/23/24. It Is My First One. What Should I Expect? Any Tips For Me Or Anything I Should Know?
Pet scan and CT scans show any area of activity, & size. It can be intimidating, where i go there is music you can tell them what you want to hear. They will give you a warm blanket.
You will fast for a period of time before, you can drink water right up to the scan. They give you a iv of what they call a tracer. You will wait for 45 min for the tracer to move through your system. This magnifies any abnormality in the scan area. If you are claustrophobic of small spaces when you schedule the appointment, you will be asked about anxiety in small spaces. At that time you’ll have a choice to have some medicine to help you with that anxiety to relax you more.. if that’s the case, then you’ll take that medicine with you and take it prior to the scan.
I myself was more nervous about what the results were going to be then the procedure.
Since I finished with my chemo, I now have either a PET scan or a CT scan every three months they rotate them. I hope everything goes well for you. 🙏🏻🙏🏻
When I got mine, I was given an iv with the radioactive solution. I had to wait an hour for it to work, then I was taken to an open MRI and it lasted about half an hour then I was done. They are taking pictures to see what stage you are, by looking at where your body lights up on the scan. I looked up online to figure out what the stages mean. You will also get one after you have gone a few rounds of chemo to check your progress, this is used as one of the methods to see if your cancer goes into remission. I hope this helps.
If you are a bit nervous in small, enclosed spaces (like me), it helps to close your eyes BEFORE they start the scan and keep them closed the whole time. That way you don’t even know when you’re inside the machine. I can then just kind of daydream until it’s over. Wear soft, comfy clothes like a t-shirt and yoga pants. You’ll be lying on your back for quite a while, so don’t wear your hair in a ponytail or wear any clothes that might poke at your back while lying on a hard surface. Also, they keep it pretty cold in those rooms, so consider wearing a warm sweatshirt or sweater.
Nothing to worry about. You will feel better when you get clarification and further insight. This is for you as well as the Dr! Do not be fearful, be positive and know you are getting what is needed and the Dr is getting a clearer direction from what he finds. Good luck!
I just relax and meditate!!
How Does One Deal With The "wait And Watch" Senario, And How Often Do You Get Scans?
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