Has Anyone Had To Take The Shot For Regrowth Of White Blood Cells? What Side Effects Did You Experience?
I had a lot of shots for my white blood cells, at first my back was in so much pain I couldn’t walk, after a week or so I got use to it but to Tylenol (2) before every shot I hope that helps you a bit
Everyone will have different side effects the firt few times , I had BAD back pains where I could not walk, take two Tylenol before the shot
My neck hurts, and very nauseous, but seems to be about it.
Hi Rachel, I had to take NEULASTA during my first set of chemotherapy in 2017. It did not agree with me! My heart raced and made me feel very very uncomfortable for 24 hours. This is considered a contraindication. I am now taking chemotherapy after relapsing a couple of months ago, and I have refused taking anything similarly. As a precaution, I am quarantining for two months rather than have to take that medicine. The big concern is neutropenia from chemotherapy, which can leave you very susceptible to an infection that could be serious and require hospitalization, etc. . Although I would rather be at work, etc. this is a good compromise for me.
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