Does Anyone Have A Skin Rash That Looks Like Welts With Scabs ?
Yes it sounds the same. But I have edema on feet ankles and you? I started rhetuxin and calquence and they were there before medication. What are your meds? Try not to scratch them.. warm baths help..
and peroxide…
Hello Lynette - Yes I have started getting them mainly on my trunk around my waist. Also two on my foot. They are about half the size of a dime, seem to be crusty and are red. They itch right off and itch like nothing I have ever experienced. Does that sound like yours? I was diagnosed in August and have had one series of infusions, and started another Jany. 5.
Yes, I have rashes on and off. Rashes, eczema, hives. The only time I have scabs is when I nearly claw myself to death which I try not to do. I can't take antihistamines ordinarily but found zyzal otc and it help tremendously. I love putting aloe gel on the places and sometimes a little cortisone. Itching is part of lymphoma! Wear soft clothes, use good detergent Sheets like Free People and vinegar helps to soften your clothes when washed
I use fragrance free everything and pour the vinegar quite liberally and no your clothes do not stink of vinegar.
Yes pet scans can cause a rash/ burn areas..
The rash beginning to go away after about 3-4 months. Yes warm baths helps. Must be patient..
I Noticed That The Two-year Survival Rate Is From A 2014 Study. Does Anyone Know What The Current Two Your Survival Rate Is?
Chicken Pox Or Lymphoma Rash?
Does Anybody Get A Skin Rash During Antibody Maintenance Therapy With Follicular Lymphoma?