I know night sweats is listed as one issue with this cancer. I finished chemo in March of 23, 2023 and radiation in September of 2023. Night sweats stopped after treatment but have started again this last month. Is this something I should be worried about. Does this mean cancer is back? Or just a side effect that doesn’t go away ?
Night Sweats can be a "B" Symptom so you should notify and discuss this with your hematologist. Learned that not all sweating is the same. Hot flashes might seem similar yet not be related to your Lymphoma (for ladies in menopause, Hot flashes can continue for many, many years.).
Did they do a CT or PET scan after you finished both txs? Blood work and lymph nodes in areas close to the surface can be locked at or felt to see if they have shrunk, but that does not show the areas deep inside. ( I am assuming that you had one or both scans as part of your dx? Hope everything goes well for you.
FYI - a regular screening mammogram 5 months after my dx showed several things that needed to be checked out. Had 4 different biopsies over about 2 years - they were all pronounced as benign... but every checkup there are more. However, they can't be felt, - only seen by imaging. So far so good, I wish you the same.
I hope your mammogram turns out well. Kelly
I did go to oncologist she felt lymph nodes and did blood work all was good. Now I’m feeling something again side of breast so getting a mammogram which is due and oncologist is aware, she ordered mammogram. Keeping fingers crossed 🤞
Return of a "B" symptom like night sweats could mean a return of the CA. Unless you have a checkup already scheduled very soon, I would be calling my provider and asking to schedule one ASAP. When was your last CA check? I assume that they did bloodwork and a scan when you finished treatment last Sept?
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