Just Diagnosed With Mantle Cell Lymphoma. Age 79. Treatment Starts Soon. Outline Is Methylprdnisolone, Rituximab, And Bendeka. Routine?
Good health before this. Regular Roundup up use 20 years. Thoughts?
Used a lot in weedy backyard and neighborhood 2to3times a year x’s 20. Don’t know if that’s a threshold or not. Thx.
lawsuit or not, why people using roundup though it is known for last so many years causing cancer? Are you in gardening profession
I suggest you go online and add yourself to the lawsuit against makers of Roundup.
Maintenance Program With [[treatment:Rituxan Hycela:5c648bd265df61506ecba9a7]]
Any One Out There Have Mantle Cell Lymphoma? I Have Just Been Diagnosed And Can Not Read Anything Encouraging Online.
Rituxamab Maintenance Therapy - Do Or Don't???