Has Anyone Experienced Skin Pain - Have This Persistent Sensitivity Around Lower Abdomen, Flank, Back And Upper Thighs -
Its a persistent sensitivity enhanced by clothing brushing against my skin -pulling clothes up and over skin lightly brushing skin with anything. Affecting my lower back, lower abd, upper thighs like a large band . Finished radiation end of november and this started around new years- Dx NHL (marginal zone) with extra nodal malt lymphoma stomach 3/23.
Funny you should mention this -I had paresthesia fingertips and toes and requested a B12 from my md -it came back low was on oral dose and recheck not really changed now on sublingual with recheck due soon- also on a med that interferes with b12 absorption now d/c- pain dissipated but paresthesias continuer-Thanks
My skin was very sensitive to the touch and even clothing hurt. I had some different labs done and my b12 levels were really low. My Dr gave me a b12 injection and I started taking a supplement and it has helped tremendously. May be something to bring up to your dr.
Yes, I developed a painful itch in most of the areas you prescribed. I also had itchy scalp and, of all things, my exterior ears. It about drove me crazy. I finished chemo treatment the end of August and since then the symptoms have slowly disappeared. There is a spot on my right ear that is persistent and I'm looking forward to it being gone. Interesting that your's started after treatment...
I Noticed That The Two-year Survival Rate Is From A 2014 Study. Does Anyone Know What The Current Two Your Survival Rate Is?
Daily Cycle Of Abdominal Burning Then Right Flank Pressure/pain
Red Spots On Arms