Anyone Experienced Labored/heavy Breathing When Doing Simple Things Like Eating Or Walking As Part Of Your Cancer Journey?
Katy, I like Steve, am anemic. After my first series of injections, I get winded walking across the room. But on one of the scans my pulmonary doctor spotted some things going on in my lungs. Doing blood work now to try and identify what it is. There is no mass so leaning towards some king of infection.
Kady , I know I’m anemic and during treatment my RBC goes way lower then what it should be causing me to have shortness of breath. At least that’s the way I think it works. There’s too much going on sometimes. Looking ahead to better days. Hope you doing ok today !
Just Went To Oncologist
I Wish To Usk.limphoma Is Like Other Cancers.cos I Talk With A Nurse And She Told Me Limphoma Is Not Like Other Cancers.
Does Anyone Else Feel Agitated?