Anyone Have Waldenstrom Macroglabulinemia?
Just had shoulder manipulation on uninjured shoulder n doing well so far, three days out!! PT is not fun, but it is certainly helping and the pain before has lessened and I can now move my arm some. 😊
I did get a “bruise looking” on back as result of manipulation, but no tenderness in that spot. 👍
Definitely keep up with pain pill schedule n exercises!
Have you had infusions to lower Igm count?
That’s not good about the after effects, I have lots of bone pain in my shoulder that I had operation on over a year ago, plus an extremely painful hip and ankle too,I think I would rather have the hair loss and less pain. What can you take for the pain? Hope you will improve 🙏🏽
I had chemo infusions of bendeca and rituxitab n only 4 treatments n not six as I was scheduled for. My numbers came down quickly. However, I have had some major after effects - right foot, ankle, knee and frozen shoulder.
No hair loss! 😊
Yes I have with the Rituximab
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