I Want To Know The Survival Rate Of Someone With Non Hodgkin Limphoma?
I have had no hodgkins lymphoma for over 9 months and receive chemotherapy every three weeks weeks.
I made up my mind after being hit twice w two different unrelated cancers in 15 months. The survival statistics are of people who had treatment before me. And while the diagnosis may be the same no two cancers are. We all have different DNA and medical history. My mindset is to live and enjoy whatever the Good Lord has planned for me. Im me not a statistic.
Jaclin, keep in mind that cancer treatment has evolved exponentially in the past 5 or so years. Expected “survival rates” are based on historical data, including older treatments (or lack of treatment) from 5, 10, even 15 or more years ago. There’s simply no comparison to today. You are a unique case. Your cancer is not my cancer, even if we have the same diagnosis, same stage, same age, so those statistics are just another way of doom scrolling the internet. Your best bet, if you really need to know an outlook for yourself, is to ask your own doctor. I asked mine and she was brutally honest. She thought I might have a far worse outlook at first since I had markers for a different cancer… she told me best/worst case scenario. I insisted because I have sole responsibility for my elderly parents. (Granted, I also told her she had to be honest with me or I’d darned well find another doctor!) Fortunately, I just have DLBCL, so my outlook is the best one.
The first thing that came into my mind when I was diagnosed was how long I had left. Due to my belief of “God’s will” I got over it pretty quick. Came around to realize that I could be run over by a bus tomorrow and why waste energy worrying about it.
Best wishes
I too have read all the estimates of survival rate, and like Rachel I had a change in moods. Went from good to bad. Now I have other problems health wise to be concerned about so the NHL has moved down the list of concerns and I am doing better mood wise. Hang in there, you are not alone and you are loved.
Hi Jaclin
When I was first diagnosed I was obsessed with survival rates. As I have progressed with my disease mentally, I have found that the statistics that are shared on the web, are like a throat punch. I instead looked at Non Hodgkins lymphoma survival videos. I have MCL I know it's not curable, but it is treatable. I know that in the future, not if but when, my MCL returns there will be something out there to put this little monster back in it's place. You will drive yourself nuts looking at the statistics and you will get depressed, at least I did. Know that you are in my prayers.
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