Has Anyone Opted For Desensitization Protocol After A Bad Reaction To Rituximab?
Good today heading to cycle 6 tomorrow and Friday
Thanks for asking. What a day. Probably 5 hours in the ER. Not what I expected from the first infusion. Ready to do battle again; hopefully I wonβt react. How are things for you?
Wow sorry to hear that .How long were you in the ER ?Feeling better now ?
I had a reaction to Rituximab (10 minutes into my first treatment) and went into anaphylactic shock. Ended up in the ER.
Can someone explain what type of reaction you had and how it was treated?
Anyone Have Experience With Rituximab Treatments
Has Anyone Had Immunotherapy?? Any Side Effects? Thank You.
Okay Buddies- I Want Some Advice. If You Have Done A Course Of Treatment With Rituximab (or Similar Monoclonal Antibody) What Was It Like??