I Need To Lose 15 Lbs I’m Stage 1 Non Hodgekins Lymphoma How And What Do I Use Or Try?
I do very low carb. It works for me since I’m a more of a carnivore than an omnivore! Best thing is to stay away from sugar and all processed food. I don’t count calories. I’ve lost almost 20 lbs now that I’m in remission. Everybody is different. Don’t forget to exercise to the best of your ability.
You can do whatever you put your mind to!
Take care
Thank you
Has Anyone Ever Been Diagnosed With Two Different Types Of Lymphoma?
My Spouse Was Diagnosed With Stage IV Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma In July 2019.
Maintenance Program With [[treatment:Rituxan Hycela:5c648bd265df61506ecba9a7]]