Has Anyone Been Diagnosed With Lymphoma Of The Mesenteric And/or Retroperitoneal Lymph Nodes As Only Location?
Pet scan lit up for two 4cm x 3cm lymph nodes-SUV 14/16 (does that mean anything?) in lumpy lymphs near kidney and right next to outside of colon tissue -oncologist diagnosed lymphoma today but no type yet, biopsy this week if they can reach them. Pet scan says consistent with active lymphoma. Is biopsy the only true lymphoma diagnosis or can the Pet and MRI alone be enough? Conceded to his diagnosis but started questioning without biopsy. Is biopsy in this case for type only?
I understand-they did the same for me to diagnose. The biopsy went great and I’ve been in treatment for four months. I know how hard it is not to worry!
I am awaiting biopsy results for what is suspected to be primary mesenteric lymphoma. They 'diagnosed' me based on results from a CT and PET/CT. Though, biopsy is the official way to diagnose. It's like cancer limbo right now.
If you don’t find someone with same cancer type
You might find people have or are going through similar chemo program and might share the symptoms that arise from this.
Wishing you get answers soon
Hi and welcome to the site. Everyone on here is so nice, helpful and supportive. I have/had DLBCL and had treatments of RCHOP chemo. I've been in remission for 3 years. I hope your biopsy goes well for you. Kelly
Looking For Others With Hodgkin Lymphoma - Subtype Nodular Lymphocyte Predominant HL And Treatment Received & Time Frame If Relapsed.
Has Anyone Been Put On The Wait And See Program Without Being Given An Official Diagnosis?
My New Memorial Sloan Kettering NLPHL Specialist Is Recommending Immunotherapy Before Chemo. Either Mosunetuzumab Or Rituximab. Thoughts?