Has Anyone Ever Looked Into The Lawsuit Against Roundup?
It has been nearly a year since I gave the lawyers my info. I guess they are dealing with many of these cases, so I'm trying to be patient. Failing😝
Honestly you never know, once they get your info thats all you have to do. Then wait. It isn’t a speedy process by any means.
Thank you! I was thinking it might not be worth my time.
Yes. A class action lawsuit takes a very long time to process. There are many places that you can actually get information, and there are several law firms in the United States that are taking on these cases. What I understand they get your information, your exposure information, your medical information and then you get a packet in the mail and a person will call you and interview you over the phone and then after that each month they send you a update of what’s going on with these cases, they deal with several of them. It’s a very long drawn out process I have a friend who has gone through this process and has been waiting. I believe that he has been waiting now just under four years but I’m not exactly sure how long. It took a minute for him to understand the process and to not be frustrated.
That’s all I know. I hope this helps.
I Added My Name To The Case Against Roundup, Last Year. Has Anyone Else Done This?
I Have Non Hodgkins Lymphoma. I Used Round Up Regularly To Spray Weeds In Our Long Driveway And Other Places That They Pop Up.
Just Diagnosed With Mantle Cell Lymphoma. Age 79. Treatment Starts Soon. Outline Is Methylprdnisolone, Rituximab, And Bendeka. Routine?