Hi. I Have Lymphoblastic B Cell Lymphoma & Leukaemia. Anyone Else Have This Combination Of Blood Cancers. I Am From Ottawa, Canada
I was diagnosed in July, 2023 and only received three out of my six treatments (four days in hospital /24 hours) and was no longer fit for treatment. I was passing out everywhere. I have tried several target therapy drugs and my body cannot tolerate the symptoms . Presently receiving Vinblastine once a month. I could write a lot more about this journey but it would take pages. Hoping to make some friends on this site.
Hi and welcome to the site. Everyone on here is so nice, helpful and supportive. I have/had DLBCL and had treatments of RCHOP chemo. I've been in remission for 3 years. Im so sorry you've been through so much. I hope you are having a peaceful day today. Kelly
Hi Kelly! Thank you so much for telling your story! My husband and I are already comforted by all the great info and support we’ve received!
Hi!! I had RCHOP chemo treatments. One every three weeks for six times. I lost my hair. I also had a cumulative effect so it was a bit rougher towards the end. I had the most trouble the night after I had my treatment. But as the days went on I was better. I made sure I stayed hydrated!! So important!! And I made sure I ate something with protein in it even if it was peanut butter on a bagel. I rested when I was Tired and took my antinausea medication on time even when I questioned needing it. I even set my alarm in the middle of the night so not to skip a dose. I prayed alot too!! Your husband will get through it. It sounds like he has wonderful support in you. If you have any questions please feel free to ask me. I'm here to help. Kelly
Hi Kelly! My husband has DLBCL. Starting crane treatment Tuesday . Did you experience any bad side effects? I know everyone is different, just hoping for the best! So happy you are in remission!!! That is wonderful!
I Noticed That The Two-year Survival Rate Is From A 2014 Study. Does Anyone Know What The Current Two Your Survival Rate Is?
Has Anyone Ever Been Diagnosed With Two Different Types Of Lymphoma?
Has Anyone Else Been Diagnosed With Acute Lymphoblastic B Cell Lymphoma & Leukaemia. Would Like To Chat If Willing Too? Thanks